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Spring Of Life Therapy
Back Pain
Remedial Massage
Chinese Herbs
Facial Rejuvenation
Cupping Therapy
Gua Sha
Cosmetic Acupuncture + Facial
Procedure begins with chest massage to open the lung channel, following by facial gua sha, hot stone, mask and acupuncture. Cosmetic Acupuncture + Facial can improve physical appearance, enhancing your health and beauty from the inside out. It is a gentle and non-invasive procedure. During the session needles will be inserted on the face, head and specific acupuncture points on the body to assist with balancing Qi and enhancing your inner health. Gua sha and hot stone promote circulation of blood and movement of lymphatic fluids.
Results that may occur from this treatment includes:
Reduction or temporary elimination of fine lines
Softening of deeper wrinkles
Improve skin complexion
Tone and tighten facial muscles
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